Car diagnostics

Diagnostics is done by connecting a diagnostic device (known as a diagnostic tester) to the vehicle's computer. This service allows checking the overall technical condition of the vehicle, including comparing the vehicle's parameters with the ideal parameters. With these comparisons, it is very easy to detect defects on the car, and they can be quickly removed.

  • Connection of diagnostic devices
  • Fault code search
  • Fault code detection
  • Printout of diagnostic results
  • Troubleshooting
Autoservis24 recommends

More and more cars currently driving on our roads are equipped with computers responsible for the proper functioning of all systems. Such a computer is nothing but a mechanism that monitors everything that happens with our car.

An engine light does not necessarily mean that your vehicle has a serious fault. Fast and accurate diagnosis is necessary in such situations.
Have your vehicle diagnosed at every major service, and request a printout of the diagnostic results.
When buying a car, most people look for the results of car diagnostics.
Diagnostics should only be done at professional car repair shops, since only expert craftsmen can effectively use the results of the diagnostics to repair the fault in your car.

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